Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thursday/Friday Classwork 10/11-10/12

Language Arts Students: All students will read Block Party written by Jewell Parker Rhodes in their Mc Dougal Littell text book. Students will begin by defining the words to know vocabulary words: hazel, ledge,lumbering,luminous,and stoop. After defining these words students will then create sentences for each of these words. As we begin to read this memoir students will examine theme, and the influence of an authors background. We will make connections with the communities that we live in. We will talk about our background and up bringing.

Students will learn to differentiate between facts and opinions. We will record evidence from the story that will contain factual information and we will also record the opinions of the characters involved in this memoir.

Lastly, we will examine theme and discuss the lesson learned in this memoir.

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