Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Wednesday/Thursday 10/3 -10/4 Classwork

Language Arts Students: What A Character. Students are going to analyze interesting and memorable characters for a second time. In this excerpt from The Witch of Blackbird Pond students will learn about the character Kit Taylor. As students read the 2.5 page excerpt, students must make response notes to anything that moves them. On page 45 students are to respond to the questions. On page 46 students are to write the writing prompt in their journal and respond to it in a page or two.

Day Book assignment pages 43-46.

Last 30 minutes of class will be dedicated to peer editing of students narrative essays. Students are encouraged to look for grammar, spelling, and clarity/unity/coherence errors.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Mrs.lawson ii thOughT tHiis Bl0ng WaZ vErI H3lpFuL 2-mI wRiTiiN And ii 2_dYd InDeEd D(0 tHe aSsiGnMeNt yUp/Mi DyD iT LoLZ...tHanKz 4+ThIZ..***aLrIgHt Bii...
.......o0ooo YeAh BiI tH3 wA..
.......tHiZ iz mI....ReEs3y WhYt'E..._U+{R_fAv StuDeNt...
.. YeAh iiM b0rEd iiN mR.BaDiaK cLazS..LolZ...BiY.

Anonymous said...

Mrs.LaWz0n Hi YeAh ☆¥ØÜ☆ wRoTe aL(0t 0n ThE bLNg ThNgY iiZ LoNg ..B^T he'll"pFuL tHoW....YeAh StYlL..iN bAdIiaK> waLk....PaSs Ur ClaZ...PlUz..ii HaVe....U+4...5=p3rii0d...