Thursday, November 26, 2009


GM crop sceptics 'emotional', Government food watchdog report claims
Public opposition to genetically modified food is based on “emotion” rather than “reason”, a Food Standards Agency report which will help shape future Government policy claims.

By John Bingham
Published: 6:30AM GMT 26 Nov 2009
GM crop sceptics
A protest against GM crops Photo: Paul Grover

The study published as the Government embarks on a major review of the current restrictions on GM crops, suggests opponents are motivated by “ideological” considerations while others take a “pragmatic” line.

It portrays those against the controversial technology as being sceptical about science in general, relying on “emotive language” to make their case, often drawn from “popular press slogans”.

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Campaigners dismissed the report as “patronising” and an attempt to “pigeonhole” opposition.

But the study, carried out by a research group on behalf of the agency, is set to play a key role in a major national consultation exercise on possible changes to the current laws on GM crops.

Opponents fear that the so-called “GM Dialogue” will be an attempt to soften up public opinion to efforts to lift restrictions on the technology.

The Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said that the findings would inform the Government's food strategy although rules on labelling and approving GM crops are set at European level.

While almost four in 10 people in Britain are undecided about the benefits of the technology, according to recent findings from the Office for National Statistics, 31 per cent are against with only 17 per cent in favour.

Previous plans to grow GM crops commercially on a large scale in Britain were scrapped after official trials showed that the method of growing could harm the environment.

It followed a concerted campaign and a backlash by consumers who refused to eat so-called "Frankenstein foods".

But a recent Government-published report highlighted warnings from manufacturers that it is becoming increasingly difficult to keep GM products out of the food chain.

Hilary Benn, the Environment Secretary, also said in August that there needed to be a ''radical rethink'' of the way the UK produces and consumes food is needed, to cope with future world shortages.

Under the current rules products made through GM technology must be labelled but meat and milk from animals which themselves may have eaten genetically modified feed do not.

Although there is no blanket ban on growing GM crops in Britain, permission has to be sought on a case-by-case basis.

Opponents fear that the year-long consultation, run by the FSA, could lead to recommendations for changes.

A committee of experts charged with overseeing the process met on Wednesday for the first time to discuss how it would be organised.

Each member was presented with a copy of the study Exploring Attitudes to GM Food, carried out by the National Centre for Social Research, containing the findings of a focus group, involving a sample of only 30 people.

The study, which cost £73,000 sets out to “explore the circumstances in which people change their views”.

Just over a third of participants told the researchers at the outset that they thought that the disadvantages of GM technology outweighed the benefits.

The study found strong support for all products involving possible GM ingredients, even at the animal feed level, should be labelled while the system was dismissed as “inconsistent and confusing”.

But opponents were described in the report as having “varied and often contradictory” views.

“Research has found that perceived lack of knowledge about the subject area causes the majority of people in a survey situation to give an emotional or affective response to the idea of GM food rather than a reasoned or thought out position,” it says.

“It has been argued that this inclines people to view GM food more negatively.”

The attitudes of those who took a “cynical approach” to GM technology are also “clearly underpinned” by a general scepticism towards science.

They were “prone to articulate their views towards scientific development using emotive language”.

By contrast, the report says: “Pragmatic, as opposed to ideological, concerns played a primary role for participants who took the middle ground or felt more positively towards GM food.”

Peter Riley, campaigns director of GM Freeze, a coalition of groups calling for a halt to GM cultivation, said: “I think it is extremely patronising to people, most people understand what is going on in the food chain.

“This language suggests that the terms of reference for this study were not necessarily to try to find out what people are thinking but to pigeonhole people.”

He added: “We are really concerned that this GM Dialogue is more to do with trying to persuade the public that the Government’s view is right and that the view of treating GM with caution is wrong.

“The steering group that has been charged with overseeing this process are going to have to be extremely diligent in their work to make sure that the process is open and fair and really captures what people genuinely feel about food production and GM in particular”

Peter Melchett, policy director of the Soil Association, said: "This Government-ordered exercise is a huge waste of public money designed to keep the GM industry quiet.”

Emma Hockridge, the group’s policy manager, added: “The last time the public were consulted on GM, the message was a loud and clear no.

“This research clearly shows that people’s fears over the technology are still there, and for good reason.”

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