The Controversy of Laetrile
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World WIthout Cancer Watergate Syndrome
Chapter 1 - World Without Cancer by G. Edward Griffin
Chapter 1 - World Without Cancer, The Watergate Syndrome
Permission was granted by G. Edward Griffin to send this newsletter
out. I Thank him for it.
Chapter One
The Watergate Syndrome
This year 550,000 Americans will die from cancer. One out
of three of us will develop cancer in our lifetime. That is
eighty-eight million people in the United States alone.
The purpose of this study is to show that this great human
tragedy can be stopped now entirely on the basis of existing scientific
We will explore the theory that cancer, like scurvy or
pellagra, is a deficiency disease aggravated by the lack of an
essential food compounds in modern man’s diet, and that its ultimate
control is to be found simply in restoring this substance to our daily
What you are about to read does not carry the approval of
organized medicine. The Food and Drug Administration, the American
Cancer Society, and the American Medical Association have labeled it
fraud and quackery. In fact, the FDA and other agencies of government
have used every means at their disposal to prevent this story from
being told. They have arrested citizens for holding public meetings to
tell others of their convictions on this subject. They have
confiscated films and books. They even have prosecuted doctors who
apply these theories in an effort to save the lives of their own
The attitude of Big Brother, expressed bluntly in 1971 by
Grant Leake, Chief of the fraud section of California’s food and drug
bureau, is this: “We’re going to protect them even if some of them
don’t want protection.”
Early in 1974, the California medical board brought formal
charges against Stewart M. Jones, M.D., for using laetrile in the
treatment of cancer patients. It was learned later, however, that Dr.
Julius Levine, one of the members of that board, himself had been using
Laetrile in the treatment of his own cancer. When Dr. Jones’ case came
up for review, the political pressures were so great that Dr. Levine
felt compelled to resign from his post rather than come out openly in
support of Dr. Jones and his patients. [1].
This is happening in a land which boasts of freedom and
whose symbol is the Statue of Liberty. For the first time in our
history, people are being forced to fell from our shores as medical
emigrants seeking freedom of choice and sovereignty over their own
bodies. Laetrile has been available in Australia, Brazil, Belgium,
Costa Rica, England, Germany, Greece, India, Israel, Italy, Japan,
Lebanon, Mexico, Peru, the Philippines, Spain, Switzerland, Russia,
Venezuela, and Vietnam - but it is not allowed in the “land of the free”
In spite of this, however, many doctors have defied the
bureaucracy and have proved in their own clinics that
vitamin-deficiency concepts of cancer is valid.
With billions of dollars spent each year in research, with
additional billions taken in from the cancer-related sale of drugs, and
with vote-hungry politicians promising ever-increasing government
programs, we find that, today, there are more people making a living
from cancer than dying from it. If the riddle were to be solved be a
simple vitamin, this gigantic commercial and political industry could
be wiped out overnight. The result is that the science of cancer
therapy is not nearly as complicated as the politics of cancer therapy.
If there was any good that came from the Watergate scandals
of the Seventies, it as the public awakening to the reality that
government officials sometimes do not tell the truth. And when caught
in such “mendacities,” they invariably claim that they lie d only to
protect national security, public health, or some other equally noble
This Watergate syndrome is not new. Several years ago, an
FDA agent who had testified in court against a Kansas City businessman
admitted under cross-examination that he had lied under oath
twenty-eight times. When asked if he regretted what he had done, he
replied: “No. I don’t have any regrets. I wouldn’t hesitate to tell a
lie if it would help the American consumer.”
The FDA is not squeamish over its tactics to “help the
American consumer.” When a businessman falls into disfavor with the
bureaucracy, there are no holds barred, and the law is used, not as a
reason for attack , but as a weapon of attack. In other words, the
FDA does not take action because the law says it should. It does so
because it wants to, and then searches through the law for an excuse.
In the celebrated case of U.S. vs Dextra Fortified Sugar, for example,
the FDA had ruled that it was “misbranding” to fortify sugar with
vitamins and minerals and still call it sugar. But the court ruled
otherwise, pointing out:
The basic flaw in the government’s case is that it is seeking, under
the guise of misbranding charges, to prohibit the sale of a food in the
market place simply because it is not in sympathy with its use.
Usually there is much more going on in these cases than
over-zealousness on the part of a few bureaucrats. Pretending to
protect the public is the favorite cover for hidden agendas.
Legislation claiming to protect the consumer usually is written by
representatives of the very industries from which the consumer
supposedly is to be protected. Politicians who are grateful for the
financial support of those industries are eager to put their names on
the legislation and push for its enactment. Once it becomes law, it
serves merely to protect the sponsoring industries against competition.
The consumer is the victim, not the beneficiary.
This is just as true in the field of medicine as in any
other. In medicine, however, there is the added necessity to pretend
that everything is being done scientifically. Therefore, in addition
to recruiting the aid of politicians, scientists also must be enlisted-
a feat that is easily accomplished by the judicious allocation of
funding for research.
This reality was revealed by former FDA Commissioner, James
L. Goddard in a 1966 speech before the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers
Association. Expressing concern over dishonesty in the testing for new
drugs, he said:
I have been shocked at the materials that come in. In addition to the
problem of quality, there is the problem of dishonesty in the
investigational new drug usage. I will admit there are gray areas in
the IND [Investigation of New Drug] situation, but the conscious
withholding of unfavorable animal clinical data is not a gray matter.
The deliberate choice of clinical investigators know to be more
concerned about industry friendships than in developing good data is
not a gray matter.[2]
Goddard’s successor at the FDA was Dr. Herbert Ley. In 1969, he
testified before a Senate committee and described several cases of
blatant dishonesty in drug testing. One case involved an assistant
professor of medicine who had tested 24 drugs for 9 different
companies. Dr. Ley said:
Patients who died while on clinical trials were not reported to the
sponsor…Dead people were listed as subjects of testing. People
reported as subjects of testing were not in the hospital at the time of
tests. Patient consent forms bore dates indicating they were signed
after the subjects died.[3]
Another case involved a commercial drug-testing firm that had worked on
82 drugs from 28 companies. Dr. Ley continued:
Patients who died, left the hospital, or dropped out of the study were
replaced by other patients in the tests without notification in the
records. Forty-one patients reported as participating in studies
keeping, supervision and observation of patients in general were
grossly inadequate. [4]
Between 1977 and 1980, it was discovered that 62 doctors had submitted
clinical data to the FDA which was manipulated or completely
falsified.[5] In one study conducted by the FDA itself, it was
discovered that one in every five doctors investigated- doctors
researching the effects of new drugs-had invented the data they
reported and pocketed the fees.[6]
These are not unusual or isolated cases. John Braithwaite, a
criminologist at the Australian Institute of Criminology (and also
former Commissioner of Trade Practices in Australia), states: “The
problem is that most fraud in clinical trials is unlikely to even be
detected. Most cases which do come to public attention only do so
because of the extraordinary carelessness by the criminal physician.”[7]
According to Dr. Judith Jones, former Director of the Division of Drug
Experience at the FDA, if a research facility obtains results that do
not demonstrate the safety or effectiveness of a drug, it is not
uncommon for the drug company to bury the report and continue testing
elsewhere until they find a facility that gives them the results they
want. Unfavorable reports are rarely published, and clinicians are
pressured into keeping quiet about them.[8]
The incentive for clinical investigators to fabricate data is enormous.
American drug companies pay as much as $1,000 per patient, which
enables some doctors to collect over $1 million per year from drug
research-all the easier if the treatments are imaginary. Even if the
tests are not fabricated, there is still the effect of subconscious
bias. These doctors know that, if they don’t produce the results the
drug companies are seeking, the likelihood of their receiving future
work is greatly diminished.
The commercially operated testing facilities should become corrupted by
money is not hard to imagine. But it is often assumed that university
laboratories are different, that they are immune to the profits that
flow from criminal science. The truth, however, is that money speaks
just as loudly on campus as it does elsewhere. Referring to a survey
conducted by the FDA, Dr. Braithwaite explains:
As one would predict from the foregoing discussion of how contract labs
can be used by sponsors to abrogate responsibility for quality research
, contract labs were found to have a worse record of GLP [Good
Laboratory Practices] violations that sponsor labs. The worst record
of all, however, was with university laboratories. One must be
extremely cautious about this finding since there were only five
university laboratories in the study. Nevertheless, it must undermine
any automatic assumption that university researchers, with their
supposed detachment from the profit motive, are unlikely to cut corners
on research standards.[9]
The trail of corruption leads all the way to the FDA itself. A study
conducted by USA TODAY revealed that more than half of the experts
hired to advise the government on the safety and effectiveness of
medicine have financial relationships with the pharmaceutical companies
that are affected by their advice. The report stated:
These experts are hired to advise the Food and Drug Administration on
which medicines should be approved for sale, what the warning labels
should say and how studies of drugs should be designed. These experts
are supposed to be independent, but USA TODAY found that 54%of the
time, they have a direct financial interest in the drug or topic the
are asked to evaluate. These conflicts include helping a
pharmaceutical company develop a medicine, then serving on an FDA
advisory committee that judges the drug.
The conflicts typically include stock ownership, consulting
fees, or research grants.[10]
Let’s bring this into focus on the issue of cancer. Science can be
used, not only to push drugs into the market that do not work, but also
to hold back remedies that do-because these remedies represent
potential competition to pharmaceutical industry which controls the
drug-approving process. The controversy that once surrounded Dr.
Andrew Ivy’s anti-cancer drug known as Krebiozen is an example of this
Prior to crossing swords with the FDA in the early 1960’s,
Dr. Ivy had been widely acknowledged as one of the nation’s foremost
medical specialists. As head of the University of Illinois the
graduate degrees of Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) and Master of Science
(M.S.). He was an American Representative at the Nuremberg trials
after World War II in Germany. The American representative at the
Nuremberg trials after World War II in Germany. The American Medical
Association had awarded him bronze, silver, and gold medals in
recognition of his outstanding work in the field of medicine. He had
written over a thousand articles published in scientific and medial
journals. In fact, the FDA itself often had called upon him as an
expert to offer medical testimony in court. But when he began to use
an unorthodox approach to cancer therapy, overnight he was branded as a
During the course of Dr. Ivy’s trial, a letter was read
into the court record written by a doctor from Indianapolis. The
doctor stated in his letter that he was treating a patient who had
multiple tumors, and that a biopsy of the tissue had shown these tumors
to be cancerous. The doctor said that he had obtained Krebiozen from
Dr. Ivy’s laboratories and had administered it, but that it had done
absolutely no good. When called to the witness stand, however, the
doctor’s answers were vague and evasive. Under the pressure of
cross-examination, he finally broke down and admitted that he never had
treated such a patient, never had ordered the biopsy in question, and
never had used Krebiozen even once. The whole story had been a lie.
Why did he give false testimony? His reply was that one of the FDA
agents had written the letter and asked him to sign it. He did so
because he wanted to help the agency put an end to quackery.[11]
In September of 1963, the FDA released a report to the
effect that Krebiozen was, for all practical purposes, the same as
creatine, a common substance that was found in every hamburger. To
prove this point, they produced a photographic overlay supposedly
showing the spectograms of Krebiozen and creatine superimposed over
each other. These were published in Life magazine and other segments
of the mass communications media as “unimpeachable proof” that
Krebiozen was useless.
When Senator Paul Douglas saw the spectrograms, he was
suspicious. So he asked Dr. Scott Anderson, one of the nation’s
foremost authorities on spectrograms, to make his own study. Using
standard techniques of analysis, Dr. Anderson identified twenty-nine
differences between the two substances. There were sixteen chemical
and color differences. The version released to the press by the FDA
had been carefully moved off center until there was a maximum
appearance of similarity, but when restored to the true axis, the two
were as different as night and day.[12]
The tactics used against Laetrile are even more dishonest
than those against Krebiozen. Perhaps the most damaging of them has
been a pseudo-scientific report released in 1953 by the Cancer
Commission of the California Medical Association. Published in the
April issue of California Medicine, the report presented an impressive
collection of charts and technical data indicating that exhaustive
research had been carried out into every aspect of Laetrile. Its
molecular Composition had been analyzed, its chemical action studied,
its effect on tumor-bearing rats observed, and its effectiveness on
human cancer patients determined. The stern conclusion of all the
supposedly objective research was stated: “No satisfactory evidence has
been produced to indicate any significant cytotoxic effect of Laetrile
on the cancer cell.”
The conclusions of the California Report are sufficient for
most physicians and researchers. Not one in ten thousand has ever
even seen Laetrile, much less used it. Yet, they all know that
Laetrile does now work because the California branch of the AMA Cancer
Commission said so, and they have had no reason so question the
reliability of those who did the work.
Reporter Tom Valentine interviewed many leading cancer
specialists to determine what they thought about Laetrile. Here he
describes a typical reaction:
Dr. Edwin Mirand of Roswell Memorial Hospital in Buffalo,
N.Y. said: “We ’ve looked into it and found it has no value.” When
asked if the renowned little hospital, which deals only with cancer,
actually tested Laetrile, Dr. Mirand said, “No, we didn’t feel it was
necessary after others of good reputation had tested it and found had
no effectiveness in the treatment of cancer.” He referred, as all
authorities do, to the California Report.[13]
Others have run up against the same stone wall. Professional
researcher, David Martin, reported this experience:
The cancer expert in question, as I had anticipated, told me that
Laetrile was “sugar pills.” Had he told me that he had used Laetrile
experimentally on X number of patients and found it completely
ineffective, I might have been impressed. But when I asked him whether
he had ever used it himself, h e said that he had not. When I asked
him whether he had ever traveled abroad to study the experience with
Laetrile therapy in Germany, Italy , Mexico, the Philippines, or other
countries, her replied that he had not. And when I asked him if he had
ever made a first-hand study of the pros and cons of the subject, again
he conceded that he had not. He was simply repeating what he had
heard from others who, in turn , were probably repeating what they had
heard from others, going all the way back to the antiquated 1953 report
of the California Cancer Commission.[14]
It is important, therefore, to know something of the nature of the
California Report and of the scientific integrity of those who drafted
Although the report as published in California Medicine was unsigned,
it was written by Dr. Ian MacDonald, Chairman of the Commission, and
Dr. Henty Garland, Secretary. Dr. MacDonald was a prominent cancer
surgeon, and Dr. Garland was an internationally famous radiologist.
Both were listed in Who’s Who.
There were even seven other prominent physicians on the
commission-including four more surgeons, another radiologist, and a
pathologist-but they played no major part in the preparation of the
report. Not one of these men-not even MacDonald or Garland-had ever
used Laetrile in the first-hand experiments of their own. All they had
done was to make evaluations and summaries of the written records of
Before examining those evaluations and summaries, let us first recall
that MacDonald and Garland were the two physicians who had made
national headlines claiming that there was no connection between
cigarette smoking and lung cancer. In an address before the Public
Health Section of the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco on July 9,
1964, Dr. Garland had said:
A current widely held hypothesis is that cigarette smoking
is causally related to a vast number of different diseases, ranging
from cancer to coronary arteriosclerosis. After studying the question
for several years, notably in its re ported relationship to primary
bronchial cancer, it is my considered opinion that the hypothesis is
not proven….
Cigarettes in moderation are regarded by many as one of the
better tranquilizers…. It is likely that obesity is a greater hazard to
American health than cigarettes.
Dr. MacDonald was even more emphatic. In an article in U.S. News &
World Report, he was shown with a cigarette in his hand, and is quoted
as saying that smoking is “a harmless pastime up to twenty-four
cigarettes per day.” And then he added: “One could modify an old
slogan: A pack a day keeps lung cancer away.”[15]
It is a curious fact that it was precisely at this time
that cigarette manufacturers were beginning to experience a slump in
sales because of public concern over lung cancer. In fact, tobacco
industry had already pledged the first ten-mil lion dollars out of a
total of eighteen million to the AMA for “research” into the question
of smoking and health.
The effect of this veritable flood of money from a source
with, shall we say, “a vested interest” in the outcome of the research,
was incredible and did not speak well for the AMA. The result was the
conversion of a relatively simple, straight-forward project into a
monstrous boondoggle of confusion and waste.
In the report of the AMA’s Committee for Research on
Tobacco and Health, it says:
To date, approximately $14 million has been awarded [from the tobacco
industry] to 203 individual research projects at 90 universities and
institutions. As a direct result of these grants, 450 reports have
been published in scientific journals and periodicals.[16]
The report then listed the research projects and described
their purposes. Here are just a few:
Nicotine Receptors in Identified Cells of the Snail Brain.
The Effects of Nicotine on Behavior of Mice.
Angina Pectoris and Bronchitis in Relation to Smoking – A Study in
American and Swedish Twin Roosters.
Post – Maturity Syndrome in the Pregnant Rat After Nicotine Absorption
During Pregnancy.
Interactions of Nicotine, Caffeine and Alcohol in Squirrel Monkeys.
The Effect of Smoking in Placental Oxygen Transfer in Gravid Ewes.
Urinary Excretion, Tissue Distribution and Destruction of Nicotine in
Monkey and Dog.
Body Build and Mortality in 105,000 World War II Army Veterans.
Upon going through the back reports of the AMA’s Committee for Research
on Tobacco and Health, one is able to count but five research projects
that are primarily concerned with cancer. One of those dealt with
laboratory-testing procedures only, and another was an experiment to
see if tobacco smoke could be used to cure cancer of the skin! So only
three of these projects really dealt with the area of major public
concern. Three out of two hundred and three is only about
one-and-a-half percent – which tells us something about the AMA’s
scientific integrity on the subject of smoking and cancer.
With the expenditure of a mere eighteen-million dollars – which is
small, indeed, compared to the tobacco industry’s advertising budges
over the same period – it was possible to direct the AMA’s medical
research away from the important question of cancer and into a hundred
giddy questions that served only to confuse and delay the ultimate
Dazzled by the meteor shower of thousand-dollar bills, the AMA, in its
December 1959 issue of the American Medical Association Journal,
published an editorial stating flatly that there was insufficient
evidence “to warrant the assumption” that cigarette smoking was the
principal factor in the increase of lung cancer. Furthermore, through
its gargantuan research program, the AMA was making it increasingly
difficult to obtain that evidence.
Was there any connection between the eighteen-million dollars given to
the AMA from the tobacco industry and the public pronouncements of
MacDonald and Garland, two of its most prominent members in California?
Perhaps not, although it ha s been rumored that these gentlemen of
science actually did receive $50,000 for their “testimonials.”[17]
Whether or not this is true is not important now. What is important is
the fact that their medical opinion, if it had been widely followed,
clearly would have resulted in the suffering and death of untold
additional millions. Also important is the fact that these are the
same “experts” whose medical opinion has been widely quoted and
followed in the question of Laetrile.
An interesting footnote to this subject is the fact that Dr. MacDonald
was burned to death in bed a few years later in a fire started by his
cigarette. Dr. Garland, who had boasted of chain-smoking since early
childhood and who claimed to be living proof that cigarettes are
harmless, a few years later died of lung cancer.
In 1963, ten years after publication of the original California Report,
the California State Department of Health officially decreed that he
findings of the antiquated study were “true” and adopted them as its
own. When it did so, however, it performed an unexpected favor for the
public because it published for the first time all the original
experiments and studies upon which the report had been based and, in
doing so, it made available the documentary evidence proving that
MacDonald and Garland had falsified their summary of those experiments.
In the 1953 report, the authors published the conclusions of John W.
Mehl, M.D., to the effect that cyanide could not be released from
Laetrile. As will be explained in a later chapter, the release of
cyanide at the cancer cell is part of the reason that Laetrile works.
Therefore, implying that cyanide cannot be produced was a severe blow
to the credibility of Laetrile theory. Dr. Mehl was quoted as saying:
“These results are inconclusive, and will be extended, but they do not
support the claims made for “Laetrile.”
With the publication of the original experiments ten years later,
however, quite a different story emerged. Buried in a maze of
statistics, tables, and charts can be found an item labeled “Laetrile
Report Appendix 4.” It is a laboratory report signed by G.
Schroetenboer and W. Wolman. It states:
After refluxing for three hours, the odor of hydrogen
cyanide could be detected… The hydrogen cyanide was distilled into
sodium hydroxide and determined by the Prussian Blue technique.[18]
This report was dated January 14, 1953 – two months before
Dr. Mehl claimed that cyanide could not be released from Laetrile. It
is significant, therefore, that MacDonald and Garland completely
ignored the positive report while giving prominence to the negative one.
Since that time, the release of cyanide from Laetrile has
been confirmed by the AMA’s chemical lab, by the cytochemistry section
of the National Cancer Institute, and even by the California Department
of Public Health that then officially pronounced the original report to
be “true” and adopted it as its own.
Another claim made by Drs. MacDonald and Garland was that
microscopic examinations of tumors from patients who had been treated
with Laetrile showed absolutely no indication of favorable chemical
effect. Ten years later, however, this assertion was shown to be a
bald-faced lie. Appendix Three contains the findings of two
pathologists who stated in plain English that they did observe
anti-tumor effects which, indeed, could have been caused by the
Laetrile. In a statement dated December 15, 1952, for example, John W.
Budd, M.D., reported: “Case 1M…. Hemorrhagic necrosis of tumor is
extensive…. An interpretation of chemotherapeutic effect might be
Also an autopsy report by J.L. Zundell, dated September 10,
1952, discusses two clear cases of observed anti-tumor effect. It
M-1…. This might represent a chemical effect since the
cells affected show coagulation necrosis and pyknosis….
M-3…. There appears to be more degeneration in the tumor
cells in the lymph node. I would consider this as a possible result of
chemical agent….
Two cases…. Showed moderated changes … which might be
considered as chemotherapeutic toxic cellular changes.[19]
Nothing could be more plain than that. Nevertheless,
MacDonald and Garland stated flatly in the California Report: “No
evidence of cytotoxic changes was observed by any of the consultants.”
[20] That statement, of course, was a lie of gigantic proportions.
Even if the findings of these researchers had not been
falsely summarized by MacDonald and Garland, the 1953 California Report
still would have been totally useless as a scientific verdict against
Laetrile because the strength of the doses used on cancer patients was
too weak to prove anything. In fact, it was about one-fiftieth (1/50)
of what generally is used to obtain optimum results.
In the earlier days of Laetrile research, clinicians
cautiously administered only fifty to one-hundred milligrams at a time.
Gaining confidence with experience, these levels gradually were raised
until, by 1974, Laetrile was being used intravenously at levels of six
to nine thousand milligrams daily. Generally, it takes an accumulation
of fifty to seventy thousand milligrams over a period of about a week
or ten days before the patient can report tangible indications of
improvement. But in the experiments used for the California Report,
the typical dose given was only about fifty milligrams per infection.
The maximum single dose was less than two hundred milligrams, and the
maximum accumulative dose was only two thousand milligrams spread over
twelve injections. Five patients received only two infections, and
five received only one.
It is not surprising, therefore, that the California
experiments failed to produce conclusive evidence Laetrile was
effective against cancer. As Dr. Krebs observed at the time, “There
is nothing quite so easy to accomplish as failure.”
In spite of all the incredible distortions of fat and the
perversions of scientific truth, Drs. MacDonald and Garland were forced
to admit on page three of their California Report:
All of the physicians whose patients were reviewed spoke of increase in
the sense of well-being and appetite, gain in weight, and decrease in
Then, attempting to belittle these important results, they added:
…as though these observations constituted evidence of definite
therapeutic effect.
That statement, alone, should have disqualified the
California Report, for these observations are, indeed, among the very
things which indicate to a physician whether or not his drug therapy is
effective.[21] Most doctors would be ecstatically happy if they could
cause their cancer patients to experience an increase in a sense of
well-being and appetite, a gain in weight, and especially a decrease in
In the 1970’s, there was little chance that Laetrile would
be given a chance to be tested except by its opponents. Every time
proponents attempted to obtain permission to do so, they were turned
down cold. On April 6, 1970, for example, the McNaughton Foundation,
under the sponsorship of Andrew McNaughton submitted an application to
the FDA for permission to engage in what is called IND (Investigation
of New Drug) Phase One studies. Permission was granted on April 27.
Then, in the words of one reporter, “All hell broke loose.”[22] The
FDA apparently received a phone call from an irate and politically
influential figure who passed the word: “Stop the tests!”
The next day, April 28, the FDA sent another letter to the
Foundation advising that, upon reviewing the records, certain
“deficiencies” had been found in the IND application, and demanding
extensive additional data within ten days. Curiously, the letter was
not delivered to the McNaughton Foundation until May 6, nine days after
it supposedly had been written, and it is suspected that the letter may
actually have been written much later but back-dated so as to make it
impossible to comply with the already ridiculous ten day deadline. On
May 12, six days after receipt of the “deficiency letter,” McNaughton
received a telegram from the FDA advising him that the approval for the
Investigation of New Drug had been revoked.
Nevertheless, hoping the FDA would reinstate its IND
approval upon receipt of the additional data, McNaughton proceeded with
the paperwork and, on May 15, just nine days after receipt of the FDA’s
initial order, sent off to Washington everything that had been
requested. By now, however, the FDA was firm. Laetrile would not be
A former high official of the FDA told Dr. Dean Burk of the
National Cancer Institute that he could not recall in over thirty years
of service any instance in which just ten short days were demanded for
a fifty page reply to alleged deficiencies. And, on October 1, 1970,
there was nothing in the FDA procedural manual requiring termination
notices after allowing only ten days for compliance.[23] Clearly, the
entire action was contrived in response to political pressures as an
excuse to stop the testing of Laetrile.
One of the reasons given for revoking approval for IND was
that Laetrile might be toxic.
The FDA said solemnly:
Although it is often stated in the IND that amygdalin is
non-toxic, data to demonstrate this lack of toxicity are absent… It is
considered to be dangerous to base the starting dose for a chronic (6 +
weeks) study in man on a single dose study in mice. It is also
dangerous to initiate human studies while the nature of the toxicity
has not been elucidated in large animal species.[24]
This is an incredible statement. First of all, as will be
illustrated in a letter chapter, the non-toxicity of amygdalin
(Laetrile) has been w well-known, fully accepted, and non-controversial
fact for a hundred years. Second, the case histories submitted as part
of the IND application were further proof of Laetrile’s safety. And
third, the very question of toxicity is absurd inasmuch as all of the
drugs approved by the FDA and currently used in orthodox cancer therapy
are extremely toxic. To deny the testing of Laetrile on the grounds
that it might be toxic is the height of sophistry.
Another reason given by the FDA for refusing to permit the
testing of Laetrile was that the doctors who had used it did not keep
sufficiently detailed clinical records. This, too, was a lame excuse,
because Phase One studies do not require clinical records.
In righteous indignation, the courageous Dr. Burk of the
National Cancer Institute wrote to Elliot Richardson, then Secretary of
HEW (which administered the FDA), and said:
The granting of FDA permission for Phase One studies of IND
has no absolute or invariable requirements for any clinical studies at
all, although the sponsor is requested to supply any type of indication
that he may posses, which the McNaughton Foundation has complied with
to the limit of current feasibility. Dr. Contreras [of Mexico] and Dr.
Nieper [of Germany] have been primarily preoccupied, quite justifiably,
with treating cancer patients with Laetrile and related adjunctive
therapies, and not with carrying out a clinical evolution of Laetrile
in the precise and complete schedule of FDA protocols. For you to
indicate that their records are inadequate for such a purpose is
clearly a red herring, since there is no such IND Phase One requirement
involved, nor corresponding claim made.[25]
But the “fix” was on. Laetrile would not be approved for
testing, regardless of the facts. On September 1, 1971, the FDA
announced that the Ad Hoc Committee of Consultants for Review and
Evaluation of Laetrile had found “no acceptable evidence of therapeutic
effect to justify clinical trials.” And then it announced that,
because of their findings, Laetrile could no longer be promoted, sold,
or even tested in the United States.[26]
The California Report has remained as one of the primary
authorities cited by cancer “experts” ad nauseum and as the basis of
legal restraints against Laetrile. The cancer industry has also
refused the advocates of Laetrile a chance to conduct their own
clinical trials on the basis of such flimsy excuses that they would be
laughable if the consequences were not so serious. All of this is the
product of bias, not objectivity. The reports and pronouncements are
calculated to deceive, not to clarify. It is fiat, not science.
Why is this happening? We shall deal with that part of the
story next.
Examples of dishonesty and corruption in the field of drug research; a
close look at the first major study which declared Laetrile) vitamin
B-17) “of no value;” proof that the study was fraudulent; the FDA’s
ruling against the use of Laetrile because it had not been tested; and
the refusal then to allow anyone (except its opponents) to test it.
[1] “Debate Over Laetrile,” Time, April 12, 1971, p.20.
[2] See Subcommittee on Health of the Committee on Labor and Public
Welfare, Preclinical and Clinical Testing by the Pharmaceutical
Industry, 1976, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C., 1976 pt. II, p.157.
[3] U.S. Senate, Competitive Problems in the Pharmaceutical Industry,
1969, pts. 6, 7 &10; cited by John Braithwaite, Corporate Crime in the
Pharmaceutical Industry (London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1984), p. 52.
[4] Ibid.
[5] Braitwaite, op. cit. p. 53.
[6] Science.1973, vol. 180, p. 1038.
[7] Braitwaite, op. cit. p. 54.
[8] Arabella Melville and Colin Johnson, Cured to Death; The Effects of
Prescription Drugs (New York: Stein & Day, 1982), p. 119.
[9] “FDA advisers tied to industry, “ USA TODAY, Sept. 25, 2000, p. 1A.
[10] Braitwaite, op. cit. p. 82.
[11] Garrison, op. cit., pp. 134-35.
[12] Ibid., pp. 278-88.
[13] “Government is Suppressing Cancer Control, “ The National Tattler,
March 11, 1973, p. 2.
[14] Cancer News Journal, January/April, 1971, p.22.
[15] “Here’s Another View: Tobacco May be Harmless,” U.S. News &
World Report, Aug. 2, 1957, pp. 85-86.
[16] Third Research Conference, Committee for Research on Tobacco and
Health, AMA Education and Research Foundation, May 7-9, 1972, p.4.
[17] See The Immoral Banning of Vitamin B-17, by Stewart M. Jones,
M.S., M.D., Palo Alto, Calif., Jan., 1974, p.1. Also Cancer News
Journal, Jan./April, 1971, p.3.
[18] Report by Cancer Advisory Council on Treatment of Cancer with
Beta-Cyanogenic Glucosides (“Laetriles”), California Department of
Public Health, 1963, Appendix 4 pp.1-2.
[19] Ibid., Appendix 3, pp.1-2.
[20] Report by Cancer Advisory Council, op. cit., p. 324.
[21] Current Diagnosis & Treatment, (Palo Alto:Lange Med. Publications,
1972), p. 902.
[22] Don C. Matchan, “Why Won’t They Test Laetrile?” Prevention, Jan.,
1971, pp.149-150
[23] Letter from Dr. Dean Burk to Elliot Richardson, Secretary of HEW,
dated Oct. 19, 1971; G. Edward Griffin, ed., Private Papers Relating to
Laetrile, (Westlake Village, CA: American Media, 1997).
[24] The Ad Hoc Committee of Oncology Consultants For Review and
Evaluation of Amygdalin (Laetrile), FDA, Aug. 12, 1961, pp. 3-4.
[25] Letter from Dr. Dean Burk to Elliot Richardson, Oct. 19, 1971, op.
[26] Press release, HFW/FDA, Sept. 1, 1971.
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