Monday, November 16, 2009


The Significance Of The Bow: Obama Is A House Servant For The Global Elite

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Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, November 16, 2009

The Significance Of The Bow: Obama Is A House Servant For The Global Elite 161109top

The predictable response to criticism surrounding Obama’s botched bow to Emperor Akihito this weekend has been to claim that the outrage is a contrived creation of the political right-wing. However, the Japanese themselves are obviously just as embarrassed about the whole spectacle.

Despite the fact that Obama was widely criticized for bowing to King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, an incident the White House ludicrously tried to deny even though it was plain as day on video, he again prostrated himself before royalty by awkwardly lurching forward at a near 90 degree angle to show his fealty to the Japanese Emperor and his wife at the Imperial Palace on Saturday.

Top Japanese newspapers like Kyodo have refused to print the image out of embarrassment. Video footage of the entire exchange shows Obama profusely bowing like a house servant no less than seven times in the space of under 30 seconds.

“Kyodo News is running his appropriate and reciprocated nod and shake with the Empress, certainly to show the president as dignified, and not in the form of a first year English teacher trying to impress with Karate Kid-level knowledge of Japanese customs,” writes a source quoted by ABC News’ Jake Tapper.

“Obama’s handshake/forward lurch was so jarring and inappropriate it recalls Bush’s back-rub of Merkel,” he adds.

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* featured stories The Significance Of The Bow: Obama Is A House Servant For The Global Elite

Tapper’s source highlights the fact that it’s not just right-wingers in America who are unhappy about Obama’s body language.

“The bow as he performed did not just display weakness in Red State terms, but evoked weakness in Japanese terms….The last thing the Japanese want or need is a weak looking American president and, again, in all ways, he unintentionally played that part.”

Why is this important? On every single occasion, Obama has gone out of his way to display inferiority and fealty to foreign royalty. Not only is this considered a violation of state department protocol, which decrees that presidents bow to no one, it also goes against the grain of historical American opposition to Kings and Emperors.

Obama is communicating a strong message when he engages in this type of behavior. He is essentially re-affirming the fact that he does not serve the American people, and is displaying his loyal obedience to the global elite. For America’s first black president to present himself as a lowly house servant would when he meets foreign dignitaries is also a damning indictment of what he truly represents – not an icon of the final confirmation of black people throwing off the chains of slavery, but merely a front man put in place to pacify the masses while all along firmly taking his orders from the generationally inbred and virulently racist global elite.

No finer example was there of this than when Obama and his wife met the Queen and her notoriously racist husband, Prince Philip, earlier this year. Obama was seen groveling and hastily following barked out orders from Philip, the same man who trained in the Hitler Youth, attended funerals with top Nazis, and sympathized with Hitler’s attitudes towards Jews in the 1930’s.

Philip also helped start the World Wildlife Fund with former Nazi SS Officer Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, who is closely affiliated with the founders of the Bilderberg international power group.

Philip has repeatedly expressed his desire to return to earth as a deadly virus in order to wipe out 80% of the population, the majority of whom would most likely be the numerous races of people he has consistently offended with racist jokes over the decades.

Obama also famously performed another bizarre bow in front of King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Photographs and video clearly show the President stooping to a near 90 degree angle to express his fealty to the 84-year-old monarch, an action “befitting a king’s subjects, not his peer,” according to the Washington Times. Subsequent denials by the White House only heightened the controversy.

As we have painstakingly documented in both The Obama Deception and Fall Of The Republic, Obama, billed as the people’s President, is in fact the ultimate puppet of the global elite. He is the black face of the new world order – carefully groomed and installed as president to neutralize the left-wing activists and provide justification to demonize conservative opposition to his policies as racism. Obama’s behavior in front of foreign royalty only confirms what we already knew – that he too is a subject of the real power structure that controls the world, and he is at their service to carry the ball for their agenda until such a time when his usefulness has been outlived.

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