Monday, November 16, 2009

More than half the population does not believe climate change has been caused by humans.

In a poll published just weeks before the global climate change summit in Copenhagen, Denmark, it has been revealed only 41% of British people accept as a scientific fact that the situation is largely man-made.

The Populus research shows while 28% believed climate change was "far and away" the most serious problem facing Britain and another 51% agreed it was a serious concern, many remained unconvinced of the role humans played.

Only 41% of Britons surveyed accept climate change is largely man-made

The findings threaten to undermine Gordon Brown's position in Copenhagen, where he will push for international agreement to cut carbon emissions.

Mr Brown's hand in negotiations will be weakened if other countries think that he does not enjoy solid public support at home for his stance on global warming.

Around a third of those polled (32%) agreed global warming was happening but said it had not yet been proven to be man-made.

However climate change denial theories were also shown little support with just 8% describing the view that global warming is man-made as environmentalist propaganda and 15% saying that it was not happening at all.
Ed Miliband

Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband wants to convince 'deniers'

Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband has responded by saying efforts were being made to convince people.

He said: 'The overwhelming body of scientific information is stacked up against the deniers and shows us that climate change is man-made and is happening now.

'We know that we still have a way to go in informing people about climate change and that is why we make no apologies about pushing forward with our new Act on CO2 campaign.

'But it's not just the deniers we need to tackle, the defeatists must also be challenged.

'The truth is that cutting our emissions and shifting to a low carbon economy will bring benefits to Britain by increasing our energy security and opening the door to new green jobs and business opportunities as well as a cleaner and greener environment.'

The poll showed Tory voters were more likely to doubt whether man was responsible for climate change, with only 38% accepting the link.

It was accepted by 45% of Labour supporters and 47% of Liberal Democrat voters.


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Populus said there was increased support for new air travel taxes to cut carbon emissions, with 57% in favour and 40% against, compared to a 50%-46% split in a similar poll in 2006.

There was opposition to increases in the overall cost of motoring on environmental grounds, by a margin of 53% to 44%. But a large majority - 68% against 29% - said that much higher taxes should be imposed on gas-guzzling vehicles.

A very large majority - 87% to 11% - supported new building regulations to require high standards of insulation and use of renewable energy, even if it increases the cost of homes.

Populus interviewed 1,504 adults by telephone between November 6 and 8, for The Times newspaper.

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