CCST Health Effects of Smart Meters Report: Comments from Scientists, MD's, & Public
These comments are often highly critical of CCST's rubber-stamping of the smart meters. Scientists and MD's, even the CA Dept of Health, write to show the dangers of smart meters and rf radiation to the public health.
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These comments are often highly critical of CCST's rubber-stamping of the smart meters. Scientists and MD's, even the CA Dept of Health, write to show the dangers of smart meters and rf radiation to the public health.
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Comments with specific responses to the report, including citations and/or edits
Institutions or organizations
- Bay Area Climate Collaborative
California Department of Public Health
- City Council of San Rafael
Coalition of California Utlities Employees
- Congress of California Seniors
Division of Ratepayer Advocates, California Public Utilities Commission
Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)
The EMR Policy Institute
Federal Communications Commission (FCC)
- Joint Venture: Silicon Valley Network
Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E)
San Diego Gas & Electric
- Silicon Valley Leadership Group
Southern California Edison
- Michael Barnes, Science Editor, UC Berkeley College of Chemistry
- Andrea Boland, Maine State Representative
- Sue Bozzo, grad student (second comment)
- Susan Brinchman, Executive Director, Center for School Mold Help
William J. Bruno, Ph.D., Los Alamos National Laboratory (Edits to the report and separate comments)
David O. Carpenter, M.D., Director, Institute for Health and the Environment, University at Albany
- Cheryl Clayton, Humboldt Neighbors Against Smart Meters
- Glen Chase, Assoc. Professor, USC
Soula Culver
- Nancy Evans, Health Science Consultant
- Angela Flynn, Green Evolution
Joshua Hart, Director,
- Magda Havas, Associate Professor, Trent University
Daniel Hirsch
Olle Johansson, Associate Prof., Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute
Yasuko Kato, journalist; VOC-EMF Measures ResearchAssociation, Director
- John Klay, Electrical Engineer, Electrical Distributor
Catherine Kleiber, Chairperson, Committee on Electrical Pollution of The EMR Policy Institute (
- Jeff Klompus, California Resident, Engineer, unaffiliated with SmartMeter
- Jonathan Kramer, Attorney and RF Engineer, Kramer Telecom Law Firm PC
Henry Lai, Ph.D., Department of Bioengineering, University of Washington
- Tim Loncarich, Director, Families for Health and Safety
Karl Maret, MD, M.Eng., Dove Health Alliance
- Sandi Maurer, Founder, EMF Safety Network
Samuel Milham MD, MPH,
L. Lloyd Morgan, Senior Research Fellow, Environmental Health Trust
New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients
Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California
New Electromagnetic Exposure Metric: High Frequency Voltage Transients
Associated With Increased Cancer Incidence in Teachers in a California
- Ludwig Moser, retired
Raymond Richard Neutra, M.D.
Garril Page
- Krishnamurthy Raghunadan, IEEE
Cindy Sage, MA, Sage Associates
(second letter
Kellie Smith, Chief Consultant, Senate Committee on Energy, Utilities & Communications
- Thea Vaughan, Technical Writer
Judy Vick, M.S.
- Jim Warner, UC Santa Cruz
- D. Wellam
David L. Wilner, Wilner & Associates
(with correction to comments submitted here)
Comments concerning smart meters in general, or which offer responses/citations not specific to the report
- Alfonso Balmori, Biologist
- Laurie Birdsall, Small Business Owner
- J.M. Bock
- Lisa Brown, homemaker
- Carl Casale, homeowner
- Tobie & Ellen Cecil, Co-founders, (Stop the) Smart Meter Tsunami
- Sandra Chianfoni, victim
- Sergio Fierro, consumer
- Beverly Filip, Humboldt Neighbors Against Smart Meters
Kenneth R. Foster
Susan Foster, MSW
(second comment submitted online)
- Antonio Gagliardi, Presidente, Ass. Lotta Inquinamento Elettromagnetico-Volturino-onlus
- Anca Gaston, University of Western Ontario
- Clark D. Hinderleider, MD, PhD, Principal Consultant, DOCS; Member, Health Council of Marin
- Christine Hoch, Executive Director, Center for Safer Wireless
- Dave Hubert, Research Analyst (retired)
- Michael Justice, Environmental Hazards Consulting
- Lisa Stiefelmaier Leong, concerned mother of two children
- Ellen Lesli, bookkeeper, resident of West Marin
- Dudley Lewis, WRAN
De-Kun Li, MD, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Kaiser Foundation Research Institute
- Marleen Luckman, Green Operations Coordinator
- Xandra Manns, retired planner
Lukas Margaritis, Professor, Faculty of Biology, University of Athens
- Diane Matthew, Mt. Barnabe Homeowners Assn.
- Amy O'Hair, private citizen, homeowner, and parent
- Dr. Joe Odom, Alchemist Technology Institute
- Wayne Palmrose, former PG&E meter reader
Jeff and Paula Pearce
- Lawrence Plumlee, MD, American Academy of Environmental Medicine
- Lonna Richmond, private individual
- Sudi Scull, EMF Safety Network
- John Sullivan
- Kathleen and Paul Sundmark
Mikiko Tokiya, Research Student, Faculty of Medicine, Oita University
- Jo Trotter, private citizen
Personal accounts
- Sandy Aders, Director, Silent Signal Coalition for the Electrically Sensitive (second comment)
- Donna Avent
- Troy Alexander, Yuba City Unified School District/homeowner
- Elizabeth Barris, documentarian
- Wolf Bostedt, Audio Engineer,
- Ann Camel
- David Colling, Bio-Ag
- K.T. Eckardt
Ed Eduardo
- Steven Golden
- Steven Halpern, owner, Inner Peace Music
- Alan Horn, Alan Horn Insurance Services
- Matthew Hutcheson, Realtor-Associate
- Mary Maio
- Jana May, SCE Smart Meter customer
- Jim May, Senior Quality Engineer, Abbott Vascular Medical
- Rina Nehdar
- Patty Overton, Resident
- Susan Parsons, former Brock University employee
- Cynthia Perkins, M.Ed.
- Barbara Schnier, citizen
- Judy Shutes
- Maryann Simpson, Customer with Smart Meter
- John Skirzynski, concerned citizen
- Phoebe Sorgen, Co-Founder, ACRCASM - Alameda County Residents Concerned About Smart Meters (second comment)
- Laurie Steese, RN
- Stephanie Thomas, retired social worker
- June Wood, sick homemaker
- Charyl Zehfus
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