Saturday, July 13, 2013

Stanford Cancer Center - Juicing to Cure Cancer

Juicing Recipes

The best selection of juices comes in nature's own containers: fresh fruits & vegetables.  Fresh juice is loaded with cancer-fighting phytochemicals and vitamins, in a state easily absorbed by the body.
Did you know?:
  • 1 cup of carrot or celery juice provides most of the same nutrients found in 5 cups of those same vegetables chopped up.
To begin juicing, you'll need a juice extractor.
  • For those who don't have one but looking to get one - there are so many versions sold at department stores from $20-$300. 
  • High tech features (such as the ability to process whole, uncut fruits) are worth the extra money if you are a frequent juicer.  Otherwise, a basic model will do. 
There are 2 types: citrus juicers and juice extractors.
  • Extractors are more versatile; most have a pulp collector that pulls out the fiber (which is why you'll still want to consume whole fruits and vegetables). 
  • Look for a machine with components that are dishwasher safe or otherwise easy to clean.
Be sure to read through the information provided with your juicer to become familiar with how your equipment works as well as the recipes included.
Happy Juicing!!
NOTE: These recipes are NOT ok for those on the Low Microbial Diet (LMD)


Carrot -- Apple Juice   
3-4 medium carrots
1 medium Granny Smith apple
Carrot juice is surprisingly sweet and goes well with the tartness of the apples.  When buying Granny Smiths, choose firm ones; they will produce a clearer juice.
Makes 10 ounces = 200 calories, 0g fat, 49g carbs, 4g protein 
Spinach -- Cucumber -- Celery Juice
2 cups packed spinach (4 oz)
1 cucumber
1 celery stalk
Because celery isn't overpowering, it allows the spinach and cucumber juices to stand out. Spinach is a good source of calcium, iron, and potassium.
Makes 10 ounces = 139 calories, 1g fat, 35g carbs, 1 g protein
Pineapple -- Blueberry -- Ginger Juice
¼ pineapple
1 cup blueberries
1 piece fresh ginger (1/4-1/2 inch)
Blueberries are rich in antioxidants, which have been shown to fight certain types of cancer.  The ginger aids digestion, and sets a South Pacific mood when combined with pineapple.
Makes 12 ounces = 80 calories, 0g fat,16g carbs, 7g protein 
Recipe from: Unknown

More Recipes

Take a look at our recommended recipes and learn more about Cancer Nutrition.

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